NSD – Nostr Signing Device

 21,00 inc. VAT

A preflashed Nostr Signing Device for use with the horse browser extension.
Your NSD will come in working condition, but you can reflash it by using this installer to be extra-safe.

How to set up: To enable the USB config mode, press the button on startup. Then connect to the device, select `nostrDevice` template, and add your privatekey, `Save to device`.

Product consists of:

  • LilyGo TTGO ESP32 microcontroller
  • 3D-printed enclosure

This device was developed by LNBits, show them some love for it!

Category: Tag:

Additional Information

A preflashed Nostr Signing Device for use with the horse browser extension.
Your NSD will come in working condition, but you can reflash it by using this installer to be extra-safe.

How to set up: To enable the USB config mode, press the button on startup. Then connect to the device, select `nostrDevice` template, and add your privatekey, `Save to device`.

Product consists of:

  • LilyGo TTGO ESP32 microcontroller
  • 3D-printed enclosure

This device was developed by LNBits, show them some love for it!


Product Parameters

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Black, Nostrich Purple