Frequently asked questions

Where are you shipping from?

We’re located in and shipping from Austria.

How long until my order will be shipped?

We strive to ship in two working days, but depending on the amount and size of orders, up to a week.

Why is my lightning payment failing?

This can have many reasons, low inbound liquidity on some routes, Tor problems, etc…
Our node is not the biggest, you can open a channel to it for a direct connection.

Do you ship to relay stations?

Yes, but you have to include all the shipping relevant details. (Relay station address, Customer #/ID #)
Orders shipped to relay stations are exempt from returns and refunds.

Speaking of returns, can I return my order and get a refund?

We’re not Amazon, so you’ll have to ship it back to us by yourself in 14 weekdays after ordering.
Only after it arrived, and we had a chance to examine the contents, a refund is possible.

Why are orders paid via PayPal more expensive???!!

PayPal is taking a cut from every payment made to us, sharing is caring, so we share this cut with you.
You’re free to pay in Bitcoin and avoid this inconvenience entirely.

I want a product in a color or material you are not offering. How to get that?

Please specify your desired color and/or material in the order notes, no problem if we have the color, otherwise, we will contact you.

Do you do custom stuff?

Yes, we love to, please follow this link.

Will you promote my shitcoin, token, or NFT project?

No, GFY.

Should I buy Bitcoin?

Obviously. Not financial advice.

Should I run a Bitcoin node?

At least one!